Michelle - Thamesford Ontario belly session
Kennedy- newborn session - one shot
van santen- one shot
in family
Ryan, Lindsay, Lyla + Sophie- one shot
in family
Vanessa- belly session
baby Savannah- newborn session- one shot
Tasha- belly session
Stephanie and Devon- engagement session
in engagement, family
Vlora,David, Mason + Hana- one shot
in family
van Schaayk-Thompson family- one shot
in family
Michelle- belly session- one shot
Becky belly session
Jack- first birthday session- one shot
in family, first birthday
Emma- newborn session- one shot
Vanessa, Matt + Eli- belly session- one shot
Tasha- belly session- one shot
Oxford Drive-in- branding/family session
oxford county is definitely buzzing with the ‘soon to be open’ Oxford Drive-In!! Angila + Adam contacted me to do a few pics with their kids for the new website. here are just a few we did last weekend!!